
Athletics competition is on 27th of January at Laugardalshöll sports hall

Reykjavik International Games in athletics is part of the World Athletics Challenger indoor tour 2023 and one of the best international athletics competition held in Iceland. Many of Icelands' star athletes compete against athletes from all over the world.

The athletics competition will be on January 27th in Laugardalshöll sports Hall.

The major sports facility in Reykjavik, Laugardalshöll, has the Icelandic National Indoor Athletics Arena, a 200-meter banked Mondo track with four lanes on the short side and eight on the long side. Certified by IAAF.

Laugardalshöll in Laugardalur the main sports complex of Reykjavik city (The Icelandic National Indoor Athletics Arena) 200m banked Mondo track with 4 lanes and 8 lanes on 60m. IAAF Certified.


More information here:

High Jump Men

60m Women

60m Men

Long Jump Mixed

400m Women

400m Men

Shot Put Mixed

200m Women

200m Men

800m Women

800m Men

Mixed relays 4x200


Interested athletes should contact the Icelandic Athletic Federation.
Contact Details: 
Tel: +354 514 4040

Participants from previous years

Aníta Hinriksdóttir, Emily Cherotich Kenya, Meghan Manley USA, Odaine Rose SVE


  • Merki Suzuki
  • Merki Mennta og menningarmálaráðuneytisins