Reykjavik International Games January 25 to 26th.
At RIG 2025, there will be competition in the open individual category of adults and teenagers in air pistol and air rifle. There will be finals in both categories, with the top 8 competitors in each category moving on to the finals. If fewer than eight competitors participate in either category, the tournament management reserves the right to hold a joint final.
In addition, for the first time in Iceland, there will be a pair competition in air pistol (Qualification) where each team is made up of one man and one woman. Youth teams can be registered for the competition, but teenagers can also participate as part of an adult team.
Laugardalsshöll sports hall (3rd floor)
Note that all times are estimated and may vary depending on the number of participants
25 January 2025 09:00-16:00 Air Pistol (AP)
26 January 2025 09:00-14:00 Air Rifle (AP)
26 January 2025 14:00-18:00 Air pistol – pair competition (AP MIX)
More information about the competitions, registration and competition practice can be found on the event's Facebook page and STI's website (sti.is) as the competition draws closer.
Facebook: RIG 2025 Shooting | Facebook